After Furlough with Stephanie Lunn

Furlough will end in the forseeable and we will not be returning to the world that was, so what should a recruitment leader be preparing for.

We invited Stephanie Lunn, former HR consultant and now Head of People and Culture at Guiness World Records. With an international remit she is seeing the future through their Beijing office.

We cover three important topics in this weeks podcast:

  1. The ‘R’ word: acting early to avoid costly issues when making people redundant
  2. The Future: what can we learn from China as it leaves lockdown
  3. Staff Wellbeing: take care of your people, and they will take care of your business. Loyalty is a two was street.

As usual, Mike and the team will add their thoughts and suggestions.

  • Format: Podcast

  • Duration: 52m

  • Host: Mike Ames, MD & Owner Flair

  • Guest: Stephanie Lunn, Global People & Culture Director at Guinness World Records

Stephanie offered some guides and examples to help you prepare. These are no substitute for qualified advice, but they can help you prepare to get that advice.

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