
Flair Business Growth Blog

Take control of your business! Our blogs cover the 8 strategies of the Flair methodology, helping you to control, inspire, guide and transform your business. One insightful post at a time.

It’s Easter – a time to reflect perhaps?

Are we as effective as we can be? That’s about doing the right things, right; right? (A big nod to Peter Drucker there). In other words: keeping on mission. So why don’t we do that then? Three reasons. Sometimes it’s because we haven’t defined what on-mission really means to us. [...]

How to get more out of any course you attend

All of us have a little gremlin sitting on our shoulders. It’s there to help us, well it believes it is. It doesn’t want us to fail: bad for our ego; others will laugh at us; we’ll look weak and foolish – better not to fail. But the [...]

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